Monday, February 28, 2011

Here goes nothing...

Hi everyone (hopefully) reading this, My name is Andy, and I have loved movies as far back as I can remember.  The first film I can remember seeing in a theater, was a re-release of Fantasia in 1973; only because it was so colorful.  I was nine when Star Wars: A New Hope was released, and my parents took me to see it.  This was a breakthrough moment for me, as I knew nothing about it.  I knew something was up, though, when the theater manager came down the aisle, and thanked everyone in the auditorium for coming (this has NEVER happened to me again).  Then the movie started.  HOLY S**T!  From the moment that gigantic Star Destroyer came across the screen, I was hooked.  Movies have been a huge part of my life ever since then.

I was very recently inspired to attempt this monumental feat of one movie a day for one year, because I have, unfortunately, become very limited and closed-minded in what I would choose to watch.  This exercise is an attempt to "expand my horizons" and view films I normally wouldn't, as well as the comfortable stand-byes in my usual genres.  I will begin the year on March 5 (as to give myself a bit of time to come up with a head-start list).

365 movies is a LOT, so saddle up people, it's go time! 

P.S.-To my beautiful and understanding wife: Yes, you may chime in with suggestions...